Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Formica Sample Tiles Not Just For Remodeling

A few years ago, I discovered that you could get free samples of formica at Lowes and Home Depot.  I loved these and I knew I could make something of them.  So I drove to different stores and collected some at each one (I didn't want to be too greedy at any one store).  I had see what I could do with these and after a few failed attempts at projects I had seen on The Carol Duvall Show, I decided to step back from it for a while.  Then I had to start packing up everything because at that time we were living in Florida and after two years of hurricanes, we had damage that had to be repaired and my husband was being moved here to South Carolina for his job.

So all my supplies were packed up.  We finally moved and now 5 years later I was flipping through youtube videos on art projects and I found this video  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a59mFa-l064&playnext=1&videos=JoR0x_L1spU by RachelO113.  I thought this was so cool and when I find some new technique, I have to try it right out.  So I went out to the studio and was looking for things to use and I came across my cache of these formica samples and a light bulb went off in my head, "I'll use these!"

So I ended up making a couple of magnets, but because the formica samples have holes in the top, you could easily make them into pendants also.  Here are the results of my first try, with more to come:

I highly recommend this foil art technique, let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. can you define any further the formica samples? I am still in vague about the topic though.
